Saturday, March 6, 2021

Review: Learning to Waltz by Kerryn Reid


I read a lot of historical romance novels, partly for enjoyment and partly for market research. My preference is for books with some depth, good writing, and no silliness (unless it’s intentional). 

Kerryn Reid’s Regency novel Learning to Waltz came my way recently via a free review copy, and what a delightful surprise it was.  Learning to Waltz exceeded my expectations.

I won’t describe the story; if you’re reading a book review, you’ve probably already seen either the blurb or a review giving a synopsis of the plot. I’ll just say that one of the things I particularly liked about Ms. Reid’s novel was that the characters were not cardboard and the situations they faced were the sort that real people might encounter. For me, that makes a more memorable story than the dukes/earls/Mayfair ballrooms kind of romance.

Oh, and I didn’t notice any cringe-worthy anachronisms. This is so rare in the historical romance genre that it deserves mention, and I’d give it an extra star just for that. As I can’t give it six stars, I’ve bought Ms. Reid’s other historical romance, Anna’s Refuge.    

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